
Congratulation to Huntington Treasurer Lauren Williams and Assistant to the Treasurer Nancy Deal!

Auditor of State Keith Faber recently announced the recipients of the Auditor of State Award for February. The Auditor’s office presents the award to local governments and school districts upon the completion of a financial audit.

Entities that receive the award meet the criteria of a “clean” audit report. This criterion includes filing financial reports on time and having audit reports that do not contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weakness, significant deficiencies, Uniform Guidance (single audit) findings or questioned costs. The entities management letter must also contain no comments related to ethics referrals, questioned costs less than the threshold per the Uniform Guidance, lack of timely annual financial report submission, bank reconciliation issues, failure to obtain a timely single audit in accordance with Uniform Guidance, findings for recovery less than $500 and public meetings or public records issues.

In Ross County, the Huntington Local School District met all of these criteria last month.

Chillicothe Gazette article can be found here.