Senior Yearbook Photo Information

  • Seniors may submit a photograph for the yearbook.  Photos must follow the guidelines below:

  • Senior must be centered in the photo and facing the camera, with both eyes visible. 

  • Pose must be a waist-up shot. Full body shots will be to small once printed. Also, keep hands away from your face, arms and hands below the waist, and keep knees from blocking the body. 

  • Students should be sitting in a chair or standing, not laying or sitting down on the ground. 

  • Clothing and jewelry must fit school dress code guidelines and be school appropriate. 

  • Props are strongly discouraged (animals, hats, sunglasses, cars, sports equipment, musical instruments, or additional people in the photo). No weapons. 

  • Background should not block the view of the senior, and should be simple and uncluttered.

  • Photo must be vertical.

  • Photo should be emailed to as a JPEG that will print at 300 dpi, and named with the student's legal last and then first name. (Ex: Smith, William.jpg)

Senior Yearbook Ads

If families would like, they can purchase an "ad" for their senior as they have done in the past to wish them well, share baby photos, and so on. The prices for this are: 

  • 1 block ad (business card size) - $35

  • 2 block ad (2 business cards) - $65

  • 4 block ad (4 business cards/half page) - $145

  • Full page ad - $255

For further information or questions, please email Miss Kenney at