Dear Family,

Imagine if you found a simple, inexpensive tool that could positively change the lives of all the students in a classroom, at a school, or in a community! We are using such a tool, called the PAX Good Behavior Game, in our classrooms.

Benefits of the PAX Good Behavior Game

The PAX Good Behavior Game is the culmination of more than thirty years of scientific study by many investigators. More than twenty published studies show that playing the PAX Game leads to reduced classroom disruptions, fewer symptoms of inattention and impulsivity, reduced aggression, fewer referrals and suspensions, more time for teaching and learning, and reduced need for special education or mental health services. There is also evidence that students who play the PAX Game are less likely to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs later in life.

What Is the PAX Good Behavior Game?

The PAX Game, as children typically call it, is a simple classroom strategy, used during regular instruction. No extra time is needed. Children help define the rules of the classroom to create a more “wonderful school.”

Children are placed on teams, which are chosen by the teacher. About three times per day, the teacher sets a timer. While the timer is ticking, the teacher will conduct the class just like normal. If a child does something that gets in the way of the vision of the “wonderful school,” then the child’s team gets a foul—which the children call a “Spleem.”

When the timer rings, the teacher counts up the number of Spleems. If a team has three or fewer Spleems, it wins the game. All teams can win. Simple prizes are awarded to each winning team. After a while, prizes are only awarded at the end of the day.

The PAX Game helps children exercise the portion of the brain that controls impulsivity. During the game, the children learn to support one another rather than make fun of each other. All of this helps to reduce inattention and disruptions, which, in turn, enhances learning.

Talk to your child about the game. He or she can tell you all about Spleems and PAX Wins!

Can Families Use the PAX Game at Home?

Each family will receive additional Home Link Flyers that give more information onhowto play the game. You will also receive a special booklet called “My Wonderful PAX School.” You can spend time reading and discussing this booklet with your child.

What Can a Family Do to Support the Effort?

First, ask your child about the PAX Game in his or her classroom. Second, praise your child and his or her friends for doing well at the game. Third, use the Home Link Flyer ideas at home. Fourth, let us know what changes you see in your child or the other children at our school.

How Soon Will the PAX Game Benefit My Child’s Classroom?

If the game is consistently used, you can expect to see benefits in a month or so.

Thank you for taking the time to keep informed about our efforts to make our classroom and school even better.


Huntington Elementary