Current: Any student who might need Christmas assistance this year may pick up a form in the Middle School office.
Current: 2017-18 Yearbooks can be picked up in Mrs. Adams room #242 before school, after school or during flex period.
Current: 2018-19 Yearbooks will be offered at a $5 discount for pre-sales through Dec. 21. The discounted price for the
                 Elementary/Middle School book will be $35 and the High School book will be $50. Order forms are in the offices.
Current: Student Council is sponsoring a food drive continuing through Nov. 16. (non-perishables/non refrigerated items)
                 Students: turn items in to 1st period teacher. The winning grade will be treated to an ice cream social Nov. 20
Nov. 3, 10, 17 -Girls Basketball Clinic (grades 5 & 6) 10:30-12:00 (Clinic is free. Girls are encouraged to participate)
Nov. 7- Academic Honors Lunch (Honor Roll students 1st Grading Period)
Nov. 8 -Veteran’s Day Assembly –(Open to the public) 1:30 – H.S. Gym
Nov. 8 -Parent/Teacher Conferences – 4:30-7:30 pm
Nov. 9- No school for students – Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00-11:30
Nov. 9 -Middle School “Come As You Are” Dance (7th and 8th grade only) – 6:00-8:00 pm (Cafeteria)
Nov. 12 -No School – Veteran’s Day
Nov. 13- Winter Sports Pictures
Nov. 14 -Volleyball Banquet – 6:00 (Cafeteria)
Nov. 15 -Cross Country Banquet – 6:00 pm (Cafeteria)
Nov. 15 -Football/Cheerleader Awards – (will be assembly style-No food or refreshments) 7:00 in the Middle School Gym
Nov. 16- Interims
Nov. 19- Winter Sports Pictures: 2:45-H.S.Boys BB; 3:00 H.S. Girls BB; 3:15 Cheerleaders 7-12; 3:30 Jr. High Boys BB;
                3:45 Jr. High Girls BB; 4:15 Wrestling (7-12 at Wrestling Building)
Nov. 20- Character Education Assembly – 9:00 am
Nov. 20- 2 hour early release (Thanksgiving)
Nov. 21, 22, 23, 26 -No School (Thanksgiving)
Dec. 8- Holiday Bazaar
Dec. 21- End of 2nd Grading Period
Dec. 21- 2 hour early dismissal for Christmas Break
Dec. 22-Jan. 1 Christmas Break
Jan. 2-No school for students – Teacher In-Service
Jan. 21- No school for students – Martin Luther King Day